How to Become More Disciplined

Athena Coaching, Linda MurrayWhether you are trying to finish a particularly challenging course of study, lose those last few stubborn kilos, or save up the money to take a well-deserved holiday, you’re unlikely to stick to your plans without the resolve to do so. This is because it is difficult to achieve specific goals and dreams without a healthy dose of discipline.

Unless we learn to control ourselves, it’s impossible to restrain our feelings and achieve our goals.

When we are disciplined, and have enough self-control, we can push past our physical impulses, cravings and emotions and make wise, well-reasoned choices that lead to positive outcomes.

Like any other skill, there are steps that can be used take to strengthen and increase self-discipline. As greater self-control is developed, the ability to achieve goals and dreams becomes easier and less demanding. These strategies can enhance your self-discipline and control!

Increase your resolve with good nutrition and health supporting habits.

It’s difficult to stick to your goals when you don’t feel well. Keep your energy levels high and strengthen your resolve by regularly eating healthy, balanced meals. Make sure that you get enough sleep each night so that you can start each day feeling fresh and rejuvenated.

Limit distractions.

Temptations draw our attention away from working towards our goals. Take steps to eliminate whatever it is that interrupts your progress.

For example, if you have an project with a close deadline, avoid distractions such as social media and your mobile phone. If you are trying to eat healthier, clear your pantry of junk foods.

Sometimes, it is the people around us that either directly or indirectly sabotage our progress. Try limiting your exposure to others when you engage in a goal-oriented activity. Surround yourself with people that lift you up and support you. It’s a drastic step to take, but you may need to move on from relationships that harm you by draining you of energy and time.

Break up larger goals into smaller ones and reward yourself along the way.

Sometimes, the hardest thing about working towards a goal or dream is getting started. If your goal is establishing a new habit, start small. Try doing your activity for five to 15 minutes each day, and slowly add time until you’ve reached your goal. Starting small will help you to build your enthusiasm and use its momentum to keep going until you’ve firmly established your habit into your daily routine.

For longer goals and projects, try dividing your goal into a series of smaller steps. As you make progress, reward yourself with little breaks and rewards along the way. Doing so will help you to keep your morale and motivation high over the long haul.

Don’t let setbacks derail your plans.

It’s important to realise that you will encounter obstacles, setbacks and even outright failures along the way. When you slip up, take a moment to acknowledge your error, and then get back to pursuing your goal. Focus on your past success. Learn from your mistake and allow it to strengthen your resolve to keep pushing forward.

Don’t call it quits; give yourself time to establish better habits.

When you make changes in your life, it will feel awkward and unnatural at first. Don’t let this prevent you from pushing ahead. It will take some time to get used to this new way of “doing things,” so give yourself time to adjust.

Let go of the things you don’t want.

If you aren’t excited when you think about what things will be like once you achieve your goal, just let it go. Anything that fills you with dread, or makes you feel trapped, is probably not something that you want to pursue.

Take some time to examine this goal and determine if you want it, or if it’s someone else’s dream. If it is something that you actually want, figure out how the achievement of this goal will benefit you and stay focused on your end reward. Our lives are too short, and your talents are too valuable, to waste pursuing something that isn’t true to your innermost, authentic self.

Athena Coaching, Linda Murray
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