Since 2008 Linda Murray has been working with some of Australia’s biggest and brightest organisations transforming teams and individuals with her award winning coaching approach.

I wasn't sure what to expect from coaching with Linda. In just a few sessions I've learned valuable insights about myself that will benefit me throughout my career. Linda skilfully finds the balance between being encouraging and positive, while also challenging me and presenting different perspectives when required. If you're thinking about coaching with Linda, do it!
Lachy, Co-Founder & Managing Director
I am equipped with the tools and confidence to lead my teams by being my authentic self. I am a better listener and more able to reflect / empathise with my team while ensuring we are moving forward with a shared vision. I feel a real 'fit' within this newly created role and believe this experience with Linda has given me a solid foundation to continue to grow and learn. The ability to reflect on real life examples and situations - and have Linda provide wisdom and insight as well as equipping me with tools for the future. Taking time out of the day-to-day and stopping to reflect on my role and where I am headed as a leader has been invaluable. I have thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated the whole experience. Linda is a genuine and passionate leader. Her coaching was natural and engaging - and always thought provoking. I have thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated the journey Linda has taken me on and appreciated her innate ability to cater each session to my needs / circumstances at the time of each session.
Kate Hatch
Linda recently conducted a very engaging 3 hour workshop for our team of accountants on client communication. We gave her quite a lot of input about our company and she ran with it to produce a highly tailored workshop which fitted our needs exactly. The workshop was very specific to us, engaging, practical and well paced. The topic was communication which is very broad, however, she made it meaningful without over complicating things. The overall feedback was our team felt it was a ‘good reminder’, ‘great overview’ and ‘very practical’ for our everyday lives. Through out the process Linda was approachable, friendly, practical, flexible and outcome focused. Everyone said that it went really well and from my perspective I felt that you delivered the key messages in a very ‘user friendly’ way. The topic of ‘Communication’ was not overwhelming or new as we are all already communicating, however, you bought it together in a framework that was very helpful and contained new materials. The workbook is great – best approach I have seen in a while. Thank you again!​
Esther G, Practice Manager
Great session! The structure is effective: takes you on a journey from awareness, understanding the need, understanding the drivers, explaining constructs to help maintain and raise that awareness of what can go wrong and take us off track, understanding approaches that will make improvements, and importantly, leaving you with some simple tools that with a bit of practice, we won't have to think about! (and hence might actually use!) Your presentation is no less terrific: positive, balanced energy, articulate, clear, and engaging. Thank You 🙂
Cameron Zabek, Head of Portfolio
“Eye-opening, clear, informative, engaging, transformational, challenging, revolutionary, valuable, insightful, empowering, confidence-building”
Emerging Leaders in an Engineering firm
“Whilst I may have found the course challenging at times, I have thoroughly enjoyed the process. Learning more about me as a person and how I can better myself and giving me the tools to be a better leader in my role and life in general. Linda was great - she clearly has such a vested interest in all of us individually and I am very grateful for her help.”
Emerging Leaders in an Engineering firm
"I had the chance to attend two coaching programs that Linda led at our organisation. The programs have been instrumental in my career progression, and helped me clarify my goals in life. Linda is a fantastic coach and is truly inspirational for every woman willing to get in control of their career and life. Linda is genuinely committed to help others succeed, whatever success means for the individual she coaches. She is full of energy and knows how to communicate it."
Data Leader | Board member | Amateur triathlete
"Linda has been working with our team at TAL for a long time. She knows our business inside out and is a trusted and valued partner. Linda has supported us in many areas over the years, from 1:1 coaching, running our female talent program, and more recently running our graduate development. Linda is generous with her time, flexible, strategic and delivers fantastic bespoke services for us. I know if one of our initiatives is in Linda’s capable hands we will get nothing but the best, with measurable outcomes and improvements year on year. Thank you Linda for the incredible and long-term value you’ve brought to our team. I look forward to continuing our partnership and cherishing your energy, passion and enthusiasm - which is highly infectious!"
Organisational Development Manager, TAL (Australia’s Leading Life Insurer)
Thank you so much for you support over the past few months. Partnering with you and Athena Leadership Academy has been a dream. What's impressed me the most about the work you do is how effortless it has been to integrate your concepts into our leadership habits. Our ways of working are stronger and as a team we're more connected. Thank you again!
Robbie Dickenson
I would be more than happy to recommend Linda following Swaab's experience with the "Unlock Your Potential" Program. I cannot speak highly enough of the program and the impact it has had on our people and our Firm. Let me tell you , it is no easy feat to shift behaviours of Lawyers. They think they know it all already! Linda did an excellent job and really tailored it specifically to our people. She gave them a reason to learn and they were sad when the program came to an end as they were highly engaged!
Branka Macura, Head of People
Based on 4 reviews
Working with Linda has completely changed how I show up at work, both in leading my team and managing myself. Linda has been an incredible sounding board, always providing guidance without judgment. She helps you understand underlying issues and find effective ways to overcome fears and poor management habits, fostering greater confidence in the workplace.One of the most significant changes I’ve experienced is the elimination of imposter syndrome. Thanks to Linda’s coaching, I now recognise my true value and can contribute in meetings with a confidence I never had before. Linda’s insights have empowered me to take on challenges I previously shied away from, such as public speaking and presenting on camera.Linda’s leadership courses are invaluable. Her support and strategies have enabled me to step up in ways I never thought possible. I cannot recommend her courses enough for anyone looking to enhance their leadership skills and self-confidence. The lessons taken away flow both through my professional and personal life.
Working with Athena Leadership Academy has been nothing short of fantastic. Both for our business and personally. The creative and safe space provided to connect, understand and acheive is exceptional.
As the local L&D Head of a large global Banking Institution, it has been my great pleasure to partner with Linda Murray of the Athena Leadership Academy to deliver some high impact learning, coaching and mentoring programs that have benefited our people and added great value to the Organisation.I love Linda’s pragmatic style; she starts with the end in mind and asks the right questions, listening intently to ensure she understands what we are trying to achieve. While based in a very solid theoretical foundation, Linda’s proposals are practical. She has run her own business and understands the challenges leaders face and what would work in our context.Linda has added real value to our organization in a number of areas including leadership, executive presence, influencing, career development and personal effectiveness. We trust her with our most senior leaders and hi-potentials not only in Australia, but across the APAC region. Our employees have always provided excellent feedback on Linda’s programs; they find her both knowledgeable and inspiring and have said she is someone who “walks the talk”. Managers have commented they have observed an increase in confidence in their people, having attended one of Linda’s programs.I would describe Linda’s style as charismatic and engaging; whether she is coaching an Executive or running a session on influencing for our front line staff, Linda is able to connect with people and inspire them to want to develop themselves.I have no hesitation in recommending the Athena Leadership Academy to anyone who may be looking to build capability in their business and I look forward to further great collaboration with Linda.
Absolute powerhouse – grounds all work in theory base research, such a wonderful experience and outcome orientated leadership work, recommend for any business wanting to thrive.

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