How Do You Know What Areas Of Development Your Team Needs?

Athena Coaching, leadership, Linda Murray, development

Learning and development go hand in hand and should continually be addressed.

As a leader it can be difficult to understand exactly what areas of development your team needs so here are some tips to help you when you first start the process of organising training and development for your team.

Observe Your Team

In order to help understand your team and their motivations, it is important for you to get to know them and observe them in action.

Don’t make this stage of the process too noticeable as it can become overwhelming for those who may feel their actions and behaviours are being viewed under a microscope. This gathering of data stage is imperative to the success of their training.

Aim To Get A Better Understanding

While a job description may sum up their role, remember that everyone is an individual and two people carrying out the same function may be different regarding their goals and their ideals.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions so you can better understand their training requirements. They may have some ideas of their own. Regardless of where they are in terms of their experience and training status, further education and development is a positive step for everyone. 

Plan Your Team’s Development

As leaders, it is our job to inspire our team to think about undertaking leadership positions in the future and training and development can help to shift any negative bias, unconscious or otherwise, from both your team members and others within the organisation. And it is not just about gender balance – although that should play a large part in a corporation’s ideals and aims. Everyone wants to feel like they belong, that they are making a difference on some level, and a well-respected coach, mentor or trainer can help them feel like they have some degree of control over their goals and the direction of their career.

Personalise All Training

With a personalised and detailed approach, you know exactly where you and your team stand. Nothing is left to chance, and there are no unexpected surprises during the training period. Becoming fully engaged in a role and the direction of a successful career is empowering for your team.

Of course, there will be some aspects of training which are universal to both your female and male executives regardless of their age or their status; but for the most part, everyone is unique, and this needs to be taken into account when training is sought.

When it comes to training and development, you can’t leave it to just anyone. You seek out the most qualified person of business for the job; the trainers who are knowledgeable about the subject backed by a good reputation. Organisations require coaching and training that demonstrates real results for their business model, rather than a one size fits all methodology. But more than that, a good leadership and development coach will help you tailor a program to meet your needs and that of your team seeking to learn.

Remember that the success of your team is a reflection of your success as a sustainable leader – a leader who is focused on the long-term goals of your team and the company you represent. The more you can inspire and help prepare your colleagues for beneficial coaching, the better and more responsive leader you will be.

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