Coming up with a career plan B


What happens when. your career is derailed in some way?

Can you honestly say you are working in your dream job or at least making progress towards your overall career goals?

You’re probably in a good position if you find that your work is meaningful, your talents are respected and your contributions are recognised and appropriately rewarded. Ideally your current position offers you plenty of chances to learn new things, take on increasingly difficult challenges and practice new skills that you’re developing and hopefully you’re paid really well and feel valued.

When you have a job like this, things feel pretty good, right?

What could possibly go wrong?

Well things change. Life changes.  It could even be how you feel about your current role that changes. If you’re constantly striving to do your job really well and learn new things, if your role doesn’t evolve with you, it would be reasonable to assume that you’re going to get hungry for something new.

So even if you’re on the career path you’ve really wanted, setbacks can happen which can stall your plans, often through no fault of your own.  So no matter how well you prepare, you may need to change course all together to keep moving forward. And we saw this over and over again in 2020 where some industries were hit really hard by our lifestyle changes during COVID.

How to Tell When You are Ready to Create Your Own Career Plan B

If you find that you no longer know your purpose or can identify your passions, it’s likely that you are fast approaching a crossroad in your journey. Once you reach it and are ready for your big break, you can no longer maintain the status quo. If you do, you will burn out or breakdown; something, anything, must change!

Sometimes it’s not that easy to see that you’ve reached a turning point. This often happens when things in your career and personal life aren’t exactly terrible, but, they aren’t exactly wonderful and exciting, either. You’ve stopped growing and you are just going through the motions of living, without feeling alive.

Realising that you are at the crossroads is about being honest with yourself and truly in touch with your personal sense of value and self-worth.

You don’t have to fail – Break Out!

While the threat of being broken, or burning out, is very real, there is some good news. You don’t have to fail! You are the one that is in charge of your life, your career and the level of success and happiness that you achieve!

Stop waiting for someone other than you to make a change – you have the power to change everything! It’s time for you to take action!

Drawing on my 12 years of executive coaching experience, the Career Clarity program will help you understand and identify your unique strengths and values and see what’s truly important to you in a role and in life. If you want to feel inspired and motivated about your career or if you have a decision to make then partner with Athena Leadership Academy in making your next career move the one where you will achieve everything you want!

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