Career Clarity Program

Welcome to the Athena Leadership Academy Career Clarity Online Coaching Program.

In this session, we look at how to get the most out of the program and get clear on what it is that you want to achieve.

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Welcome to the Athena Leadership Academy Career Clarity Online Program

I’m looking forward to taking you through my online coaching program and sharing the secrets of highly effective successful people.

Each session in this course contains an explainer video, activity sheet with an example and additional resources I know you will benefit from.

Before we begin the first session there are a few things that I need you to do.

  1. Be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn here.
  2. Take advantage of the free coaching video’s on YouTube and subscribe to my channel here.

To ensure you get the most from your online coaching experience (and this is important to remember!) please;

  • Watch the video for the module first
  • Read the additional information
  • Then download/print and complete the activity sheet for that module

So get ready to start the process but more importantly, have fun!

Welcome to the Pre Work Session for the Career Clarity Online Program

In this pre work session, you will:

  • Take the first step to gaining clarity by writing down your big picture goals
  • Know the first thing you need to achieve in the first three months
  • and, know what you need to achieve this month in order to achieve success.

Before we launch into the first session of the program, it’s really important to get clarity on what your current goals are.

This pre work is about taking the first step to gaining clarity. I’m talking about setting goals.

We need to actually get busy doing the right things to help our dreams come to fruition. Let me give you an example;

Harvard did a study back in 1979 where they were interested to see what their MBA students had installed for themselves following their studies. So they asked their students this and

  • 84% of students had no tangible goals that they wanted to achieve following their study.
  • 13% of them had goals in mind but hadn’t actually written anything down.
  • 3% had very well-articulated goals which they’d taken the time to write down.10 years later, Harvard went back to those same students to find out how they were going.

So in 1989 they found out that the 13% who had goals in mind but not written were earning on average 2 times as much as the 84% who had no goals, the 3% who had clearly articulated goals which they’d written down were earning on average 10 times as much as the other 97%.

That’s a massive return on investment for taking the time to actually write down your goals don’t you think?

So cast your mind back to the last 12 months, think of those goals that you didn’t quite achieve. Did you actually write them down? Were you part of the 84%? Were you part of the 13%? Or were you part of the 3% who’d actually taken that time?

So why do we shy away from goal setting.

My theory is, we have a whole lot of evidence that suggests to us that goal setting doesn’t work. New Year’s resolutions would be the perfect examples of this. We all create these New Years resolutions which are really things we should do. We think we should do something but are we really resolved to that? See 95% of people have given up on their New Years resolutions by half way through January. So they clearly weren’t really resolved to follow through and motivated to make it happen.

The other thing is it takes 21 days to form a new habit. So if you’ve given up on the New Years resolution half way through January you haven’t even given them the chance they need in order to happen.

So what we want to do as part of this pre work session is set some real goals that you’re going to stick to. To make it easy for you and so that you can always go back to them I have created a one page goal setting page. All you need to do is download the document now and save it so you can add your goals straight into the document.

It is important to revisit them at the end of each month and celebrate your achievements and revisit the goals that you need to achieve for the next month.

I’d love to hear what your biggest goal is for the next 3 – 12 months, so that I can help you become more accountable.

Here’s to your success!

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